TSS Volume 55, Number 1 is out now!

We are excited to share with you the most recent issue of The Southern Sociologist, the official newsletter of the Southern Sociological Society! In this issue, you’ll find:

  • A letter from SSS President Gayle Kaufman
  • “The Sociologist as Caregiver: Negotiating a New Reality in the Age of COVID” by Dr. Hayward Derrick Horton
  • A conversation between Dr. Ashley Stone and Dr. Jonathan Cox, creator of the YouTube series the Race Scholar

Importantly, you will also find a call for graduate student editors to support the efforts of putting together this important document several times each year. If you or someone you know would be a good fit for these opportunities for service to our profession, please reach out to the editor directly at nvera@vols.utk.edu.

A heartfelt thank you to Nadya Vera and her entire team, including Graduate Student Editors Michaela D. McMillian Jenkins and Skyler Bastow, for bringing these stories, updates, and accolades together. This newsletter is, as always, a remarkable showcase of the amazing people and work of SSS, thanks to the TSS editorial team.

You can read TSS Vol. 55, No. 1 here.