The Southern Sociological Society and the Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities (CREM) are pleased to announce the availability of travel scholarships for support in attending the 2024 annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. These scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis and are meant to assist faculty in defraying costs associated with attending the SSS meeting. We anticipate granting five scholarships in the amount of $500 each.
Eligibility and Application Requirements
To be eligible for the scholarship, an applicant must be:
- A professor working at a primarily undergraduate HBCU, Hispanic-serving institution, tribal college, or Native American-serving, non-tribal institution (preference given to assistant professors);
- An active participant of the 2024 meeting: presenting a paper, poster, or participating in workshops or special programs (presentation submissions were due Nov. 6, 2023);
- A member of the Southern Sociological Society at the time of the award.
To apply, an applicant must complete this Travel Scholarship Application form.
Travel Scholarship Applications must be received by Friday, March 15th, 2024 at midnight EST.
The Committee for Racial and Ethnic Minorities will make selections. Those selected will be informed shortly after the deadline. Only applications from individuals on their own behalf will be accepted.