The Southern Sociological Society is offering a second round of Striving Towards Anti-Racist Teaching in the South (STARTS) to a cohort of 20 graduate students to give them good STARTS in their classrooms and the discipline. Workshops will be held virtually during Spring 2024, leading up to the Southern Sociological Society meetings where we will meet in person for the final workshop.
- STARTS Welcome & Cohort Introductions [Zoom on January 24th @ 11:30-1:30 Eastern]
- Using Language to Create Inclusive Spaces [Zoom on February 7th @ 11:30-1:30 Eastern]
- Anti-Racist Teaching Practices & Inclusive Pedagogies [Zoom February 14th @ 11:30-1:00 Eastern]
- Positionality and Classroom Management [Zoom February 21th @ 11:30-1:00 Eastern]
- Equity & Inclusion in Sociological Careers [Zoom February 28nd @ 11:30-1:00 Eastern]
- Critique Me Session @ Southern Sociological Society meeting in NOLA [TBD]
Participants will be expected to complete reflective writing on what they learned, noting what changes they plan to make to their current courses, strategies they plan to adopt to address a challenge they were facing in the classroom, and a series of materials for their teaching portfolios and tenure dossiers. Please complete the application using your designated university email account if you are interested in joining this year’s Good STARTS Inclusivity Institute cohort and are available to attend ALL of the above workshops.
Applications completed by graduate students using their official university email accounts by January 15th will be considered.
Please contact if you have any questions about the STARTS program.
Application Link: