Please take a very close look at the program and notify us ( if you need corrections or updates (e.g., affiliations, typos, title changes, etc.) by January 31, 2025. After this date we will be unable to make changes to the final program. In accordance with SSS policy, we cannot honor special requests for dates or times of session. Thank you for your help in reviewing the draft program and for adhering to SSS policies.
This year, the preliminary program is on a webpage that features sessions at a glance, an indexed list of participants, and the detailed program. Use the Ctrl/Command+F function to search for your name on the page and verify that your name, presentation title, etc. are correct. Also, if you organized a session, please communicate with your session participants to confirm their attendance and ask them to check the program for errors. As we get closer to the meeting, keep an eye on additional correspondence from the Executive Office, President Dawn Robinson, and our Local Arrangements Chairs.
There will also be communication well before the conference for members to download and set up their accounts for the SSS 2025 Mobile App. There are no longer any physical programs or tote bags at SSS annual meetings; the Mobile App is the primary way for members to navigate the conference.
Registration and Hotel Reservations
Take advantage of the reduced registration and hotel costs by registering and booking early! To join, renew your dues, or check the status of your membership, log in to your SSS Member Portal. The 2025 Annual Conference will take place at the Sheraton Charlotte, 555 S McDowell St Tower, Charlotte, NC 28204. Rooms are available at the conference rate of $209/night at the Sheraton Charlotte and Le MĂ©ridien Charlotte for April 8-13, 2025 through this booking link. The booking deadline for this rate is March 18, 2025. However, the room block often fills up well before this cut-off date.
Membership Dues and Pre-Registration
Per SSS policy, all authors who appear on the program must be a current dues-paying member. Please pay your dues now so you can enjoy the full membership benefits of SSS all year. We also strongly encourage you to pre-register for the meeting. The cut-off date for pre-registration rates is March 1, 2025. Those who wait until after this date will have to register and pay dues on-site where the fees are higher. To renew your membership and register for the annual conference, visit our membership portal by clicking here.
Please direct conference program questions to: Questions regarding membership or registration should be directed to: